Thursday, March 26, 2009
Frances Perkins: The Woman behind the New Deal
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Big Money Scare Tactics
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Local 771 Meeting; Saturday, March 21, 2009, MINUTES
Friday, March 20, 2009
CNA/NNOC, SEIU Agree to Work Together in Bringing Voice to Heatlh Care Workers
- The two unions will work together to organize nonunion hospital workers throughout the country, with CNA/NNOC as the leading voice for RNs and SEIU as the leading voice for all other hospital workers.
- The unions will launch an intensive national organizing campaign with an initial focus on the nation’s largest hospital systems.
- In addition to organizing, SEIU and CNA/NNOC will coordinate on a broad range of other issues, from bargaining with common employers to the campaign to enact the Employee Free Choice Act.
- SEIU and CNA/NNOC publicly endorse measures that allow states to adopt single-payer health care systems.
- Both parties will refrain from “raiding,” seeking to displace the existing members of the other’s organization or from interference in the other’s internal affairs.
- The two unions will create a new joint RN organization in Florida to represent current and future RNs of both unions. In all other states, SEIU will continue to represent their current RN members in collective bargaining.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Local 771 Meeting
Holy Cow - I Did It! Testifying at a D.C. Symposium
Tracy is so right! If we want to make change, we need to be the ones advocating for ourselves. The policy makers, sitting at the State House, may think they know about direct care work, and what it is like, but they really don't. They need to hear about it from us.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Two MSEA-SEIU Members Lobby on Capitol Hill
Helen Hanson, SEIU's President Andy Stern, Linda Morris
The Worker Mobilization was around the Employee Free Choice Act. Linda and Helen, along with Subira Gordon from SEIU and members of the Communication Workers Association met with members of Senator Snowe's and Senator Collins' staff.
Senator Snowe's staff was encouraging in that they agreed to meet with workers during the Congressional break in April. These workers will get to meet with Senator Snowe herself and talk to her about the Employee Free Choice Act and what it will do to help workers form unions.
Senator Collins' staff expressed the senator's concerns over the secret ballot and what appears to be a loss of it. The workers meeting with her tried to explain that the Employee Free Choice Act does not take away the secret ballot if workers choose to form a union that way. The Employee Free Choice Act lets workers form unions by a majority sign up or by secret ballot if they choose. It stops the wrangling, threats, intimidation that employers and managers put workers through when they are trying to unionize. It also allows contract negotiations to start without the delay tactics management often times puts their unionized workers through.
Many workers have formed unions, just to have their contract negotiations stalled because management refuses to meet with them at the bargaining table.
While in Washington, D.C., SEIU held a rally in Lafayette Park, right outside the White House. Dana Graham, MSEA-SEIU's former president, spoke about issues facing workers while CEOs continue to make huge incomes at the expense of their workers. He spoke of workers rising trouble with health care and how incredibly expensive it is getting to be. He mentioned a neighbor of his that was skipping doses of her medications in order that her husband could have his.
SEIU also picketed outside the US Chamber of Commerce, across the street from Lafayette Park. The US Chamber of Commerce and other big business groups and coalitions are against Employee Free Choice. It scares them to think that they may wake up one morning to find that their workers have formed a union to collectively bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions.