Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Heatlh Care for Health Care Workers Join National Campaign

Health Care for America Now, a national grassroots campaign seeking to win affordable, quality health care for all Americans, launched on July 8 with events across the country. PHI’s Health Care for Health Care Workers campaign recently joined the new campaign. In three key HCHCW states, HCHCW staff and partners participated in launch events, seizing the opportunity to focus attention on the health care needs of direct-care workers: Pennsylvania. HCHCW Community Organizer Simone Baer spoke about the thousands of direct-care workers caring for the state’s most vulnerable citizens who lack health care coverage of their own. The event was covered by the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. Iowa. Iowa’s HCHCW partner, the Iowa CareGivers Association, participated in the launch on the steps of the state capitol. The ICA is one of 18 initial members of a growing campaign in Iowa that is working to assure that the next President and Congress pass legislation guaranteeing quality, affordable health care for all. ”As a key battleground state in the Presidential election, Iowa will be a focal point for debate over the respective candidates’ plans to reform the health care system,” said ICA Policy Director John Hale. “The ICA and direct-care workers will be involved in those debates, and will insure that the candidates recognize the unique needs of direct-care workers in getting and keeping adequate and affordable health care coverage.” Maine. Helen Hanson, a direct-care worker from China, Maine, represented the Maine Direct-Care Worker Coalition, a HCHCW partner, at the launch event on the steps of her state’s capitol. Helen spoke of her struggle with health care bills after routine tests that were not covered by her catastrophic coverage plan. Another HCHCW partner, the Maine Center for Ecomomic Policy, also participated in the launch event, which was covered by the Portland Press Herald. Things will be heating up as the Presidential campaign moves toward November. Visit the Health Care for America Now website to find out how you can get involved. Allison Lee, HCHCW National Campaign Manager

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