Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Please say 'NO THANKS' to the Petition Cutting Health Care
Dear MSEA-SEIU Member,
We know what it's like to have our health care under attack. While we successfully fought off attacks in the last legislative session, now there's another effort under way that threatens to undermine the health care of thousands of other Mainers.
The beverage industry has hired an out-of-state company to collect signatures for a petition exempting this industry from paying its share for health care. This petition would eliminate health insurance for thousands of Maine children and adults. If someone asks you to sign this outrageous petition, please politely say 'NO THANKS'.
The only way to protect our health care is to make sure we're not the only ones with it! Please say 'NO THANKS' if someone asks you to sign the beverage industry's petition.
In Solidarity,
Bruce Hodsdon, President, MSEA-SEIU Local 1989

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