Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ask Senators Snowe and Collins to Support Health Care for All

Congressional Call-In Wednesday, October 22nd

Call Senators Snowe & Collins toll free:

Sample Script:
Hello, my name is ____________ and I live in ___________. I'm calling today because I think fixing the health care system should be the top priority for Congress adn the New President in 2009 and I want to encourage Senator _________ to sign on to the Health Care for America Now campaign. I want to encourage Senator __________ to support guaranteed quality, affordable health care for everyone in Maine and the United States. I'd like Senator ___________ to respond in writing with her position. My address is _________________. Thank you!
Dial again and ask for the other Senator!
HCAN's goal is 100 calls, with your help, we can do it!
The time is now for an American solution that will secure our families' health and a healthy economy.
What is Health Care for America Now?
Health Care for America Now (HCAN) is a national grassroots campaign organizing millions of people in America to win a guarantee of quality, affordable health care for all. Our goal is to build a base of grassroots activism and a national movement that will move our Congress and President to pass substantial health care reform that meets our principles in 2009. In Maine, the campaign is led by Maine People's Alliance, MSEA-SEIU, Maine Women's Lobby, Maine Equal Justice Partners, Engage Maine, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, Equality Maine, Tengo Voz, Centro Latino, Kennebec Valley Organization, Move On, Maine Education Association and Maine Center for Economic Policy.

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